- Congregational leadership is rooted and grounded in prayer
and faith. This provides a solid foundation for everything pastor and
people do together.
- The important work in the search committee’s
self-study is forwarded to congregational leadership for ACTION.
The search committee usually
spends many hours developing a self-study, yet this important research
easily gets lost in the transition. Healthy Start makes sure this
profile is put to good use.
- Healthy patterns and practices are nurtured in communication,
collaboration, partnership, and consensus-building. The seeds that
are sown beginning
at the first retreat will grow and bear fruit for years to come.
- Misunderstandings
resulting from unclear expectations are prevented. Tensions always
occur in any congregation. Highly functioning congregations
know how to make good use of tension. Healthy Start gives leaders
the tools both to prevent unnecessary tensions and also to
work productively with necessary difficulties.
- Goals are established and measured
periodically. Healthy Start assists leaders in setting goals together.
The process also prevents
leaders from establishing goals and then forgetting about them.
- Possible
conflicts are precluded and re-directed by an “early
warning system.” If tensions start to become an issue
Healthy Start identifies them early on – at a time when
easy to get back on the right track together.
- Congregational
leadership is intentionally united in its ministry and mission.
Everyone knows where they’re going,
and how they’re
progressing in getting there.
- Solid connections with the larger
church are established. The congregation finds new resources
for giving and getting